IB Results
Accessing IB Results
IB results are usually published in July each year.
Students should log in to see these using the Personal Code and PIN which can be found in the Plan section of ManageBac. Results can be accessed via the link below.
- Contacting School
- Re-marks
- Diploma Legalization
- Electronic Results Service
- For students who have applied through UCAS
Contacting School
You can request a re-mark using the form below. You should especially consider this if a higher grade is required to meet a preferred university offer, especially if is critical to your meeting an offer.
All requests should be made by 12 July. Requests made after 12 July will not be processed by the IB until after 15 August.
You do not need the school’s or any teacher’s permission to pursue a re-mark but our strong advice is to consult with the school before proceeding.
You should also note that:
- Grades can go down as well as up
- Re-marks tend to be more successful in Arts and Humanities subjects and less successful in Science and Maths
It is usually only worth asking for a re-mark if the mark achieved is close to a higher grade boundary
It may be helpful to send a screenshot of results to a member of the Sixth Form Team before a discussion on whether a re-mark is advisable, since information on individual marks and grade boundaries is not immediately available to teachers.
- Re-marks cost €88
Diploma Legalization
In some countries the IB Diploma needs to be legalized by the relevant Embassy or Consulate to be valid for entrance to university. This legalization process is formally requested through the school before sitting the IB exams.
Students who will be studying in several countries will need to have their Diplomas legalized. Up until July the school can arrange this for students who complete the form below. If students are unsure they should contact their universities to inquire whether legalization is required. Universities in Italy will definitely require legalization; those in The Netherlands and Spain might also require legalization.
The legalization request form asks for the exact details required by the IB. Requests for legalization in Italy must be accompanied by a copy of the student’s main passport page. Names on the form must match exactly the names on the passport, and on the student’s existing IB profile.
The cost for legalization through the school is €119. After June it is no longer possible for the school to request legalization and students must do this themselves through the IB via the link below.
The legalized Diploma will arrive at the school but possibly not until September.
Electronic Results Service
IB Diplomas are generally available for collection from Reception at the beginning of September. Universities sometimes ask for these earlier, but the IB does not issue them until the end of August.
The IB offers an electronic Results Service. Results are transferred electronically in UCAS and CAO and if this has been specifically requested, to other universities. If you have already requested the electronic service, your results should be sent to the universities you have specified.
If you have not already completed this request then you may do so by emailing the Director of IB with the following information:
- Country
- Name of University
- Your applicant reference number
- The code for your course
- An email address or name of contact (if you have one at the university)
For students who have applied through UCAS
Outcome | Action and Options |
Conditions of Firm Offer Met |
Conditions of Firm Offer Not Met |
Conditions of Insurance Offer Not Met |
If You Don’t Find an Alternative in Clearing |
Adjustment is for students who pass their exams with better results than expected and have exceeded the conditions of their Firm Choice.
The easiest way to see what is available on clearing is to use the Unifrog clearing tool via the link below:
UK Clearing - Student - Unifrog
To use Adjustment:
- results must have met and exceeded the conditions of their conditional firm (CF) choice
Adjustment is not available if:
- students are confirmed (UF) at their firm choice but did not exceed the conditions of the offer
- they have a confirmed place on a changed course offer
- their original offer was unconditional
Applicants cannot adjust their insurance choice. The Adjustment period varies – see the detailed notes attached.
Clearing opens on 6 July although many opportunities become available only after A level results day in August. Clearing is available to applicants who have completed an application but have not managed to secure a place for the current year, or who decide to decline their firm offer.
The UCAS website has detailed information about both Adjustment and Clearing.