Additional Italian

The School offers Additional Italian support to its pupils in two categories:
  • Native Speakers - Lessons for preparation for Italian State exams
  • Non-native Speakers - Lessons to improve Italian
Native Speakers

Pupils in both the Primary and Senior Schools, from Year 2 to Year 9 can choose to take additional lessons on the Italian school curriculum to maintain a stronger link with the culture and educational system of Italy.  They are prepared for the following exams:

  • Esame di Idoneitá alla classe prima della scuola secondaria di primo grado (Former Diploma di Quinta Elementare)
  • Esame di Idoneitá alla classe prima della scuola secondaria di secondo grado  (Former Diploma di Terza Media)

In after-school sessions pupils are taught Italian literature, grammar, history, geography, science and mathematics.

The courses are taught in interactive lessons, using multi-media and by carrying out group and project work.  Pupils can also use the Italian Library.

The results achieved by all pupils in the Italian State exams are outstanding.  We have a 100% pass rate with very high scores.

Non-native Speakers

Primary School pupils can attend Italian lessons after school.  Working in small groups, pupils improve their language skills through fun and engaging activities such as games, videos, music and fairy tales.  With the teacher's support, they will gain confidence in speaking situations and feel more at ease in Italian contexts. 

The lessons are not only for beginners but also for those students who have been in Italy for some years and wish to focus on specific language skills such as speaking, reading or understanding both spoken and written language.

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