Best IGCSE Results in Milan
Progress and Reporting
Assessment of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- The EYFS Profile (EYFSP) is the statutory assessment at the end of the EYFS (Summer of Reception Year).
- Assessment is in context through observation (captures what children can do most of the time - not just on one day).
- Children's achievement at the end of EYFS is recorded against the 17 ELGs as 'Exceeding', 'Expected' or 'Emerging'.
- Also includes a narrative statement on the three characteristics of effective learning.
Supporting English at School and at Home
- It is vital that English is supported at home for those children who are second language learners.
Our Goal
- In the Foundation Stage at the BSM we strive to ensure that all children learn in a warm, safe and stimulating environment, in which they can feel nurtured, develop their independence and reach their full potential.