Top IB School in Italy
Inspection Report
In the most recent inspection report by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, the school was declared fully compliant, meeting 'all the standards for British Schools Overseas, with no further action required'.
Quotations from UK Government Inspectors
On Academic Progress
- 'Pupils make 'excellent progress' in the Primary School.'
- 'There are 'very high standards in all areas of the IB'.'
- 'There are 'excellent' approaches to learning across all ages.'
- 'Outcomes are 'excellent'.'
- 'Exam results at IB and IGCSE are 'at levels above those for pupils with similar abilities in the UK'.'
- 'Pupils achieve 'about one or two grades higher in each subject than those predicted from benchmarked data'.'
On Progress and Values
- 'Pupils for whom English is not their first language make rapid progress.'
- 'Pupils' behaviour is excellent.'
- 'Without exception, pupils related how smoothly they had been integrated into school life on arrival.'
- 'The school's values thread behaviour and attitudes together, and secure the shared common purpose that is so apparent.'
Other Key Quotations
- 'The quality of art is 'exceptional.'
- 'There is a 'cohesive and structured co-curricular programme.'
- 'There exists a 'cohesive and transparent relationship between Board and executive leadership'.'